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Monthly Archives: August 2019

Lost or stolen card

IF YOUR VISA DEBIT CARD IS LOST OR STOLEN Call 800-523-4175 when the office is closed

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Online Banking

Online Banking You may use online banking to view your account balances, make transfers, loan payments or to request withdrawals. Click ONLINE BANKING link for more information and to access the Online Banking system.

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Visa Debit Cards

Visa Debit Cards Click on: APPLICATION to download a PDF document of an application for a Southern Middlesex County Teachers FCU Visa Debit card (with an attached User Agreement and Disclosure). You can use this card to make signature purchases wherever Visa is accepted AND to make pin based withdrawals, deposits or transfers at an […]

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Online Bill Pay

Online Bill Pay Our new online bill pay system is now available! Through this system you can enter and save all of your monthly bills to conveniently pay them from one place. No more writing checks and paying for stamps! No more signing onto multiple websites to pay each bill! Sign up and start saving […]

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To apply for E-statements, go to myfavoritecu.com, sign in to internet banking and click on e-Statements on the left.  You must be enrolled in internet banking to access e-statements.  

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Surcharge Free and Worldwide ATM Locations

Surcharge Free ATM Locations Your cards can be used at thousands of Allpoint and MoneyPass surcharge free ATM machines. Click on the following links to find the locations most convenient to you. Allpoint surcharge free locations MoneyPass surcharge free locations Worldwide ATM Locations Click on the following link to find worldwide locations where your STAR/Visa […]

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